Tuesday 2 July 2013

California, Heat waves and other delights.

Man, it's so easy to get too caught up in what i'm doing to take the time out and write any of it down.
Since my last entry I have: Got a killer tan. Been to Oklahoma to help out. Made some wonderful friends. Made some decisions. Regretted some past decisions. Been to California to enjoy the sunshine. Played at the aquarium. Had the good luck of booking my younger brothers flight out here in a few weeks. And i've been to cousin camp. 

As everyone here knows, the temperatures this last week have been almost unbearably hot. I spent the best part of last week in California where I didn't get too bothered by it. I did however get some serious sunburn, which i'm now nursing with aloe. However since being back in Utah it's been a real shock to the system to experience 100° degree heat all day, for the last few days. I've just spent the last few days seeking refuge anywhere that has a good working AC unit.

Venice  Beach last week
A semi-truck in Moore, Oklahoma. This was nothing compared to some of the stuff we saw.

The warehouse we helped at.

My hedgehog is cuter than you.

Monday 15 April 2013

St.George April 2013

One of my most favourite places to visit is St. George. It's a small town in the very southwest of Utah. It's like 300 miles away and that's far enough away that I don't feel like it's down the road but it's not so far away that you have to spend a whole day getting there.

My favourite thing about St. George is that it's warm, all the time! In the summer it's in the 100° range which may be a little warm but this weekend was perfect! It was in the late 70's which is perfect for this time of year.
Another thing I like about it, is that for such a small town it's so easy to find something to do. There are always places you can go hiking and exploring, there are good places to eat and did I mention that it's warm?

So we get down there on Thursday night and of course like all college students, we had an early night. We just finished finals week and who doesn't need some good sleep after staying awake for days before writing papers and being miserable?
Oh, so I went with my friend Lizzy, she was in my American Government class and she became a useful friend when I realised she could do all of the homework assignments and just send them to me. It's a friendship of convenience really.

This trip was the perfect excuse to do absolutely nothing. That's my favourite thing in the world to do.

We did however get to participate in my favourite pastime; looking for plygs. The FLDS church is based in a small community just a few miles away from St. George and so they all frequent the Walmart's there. This means that every time you head to Walmart you're chance of seeing some is pretty high. So we visited Walmart; a lot.

If you look behind us in this picture you can see an FLDS woman and what I'm guessing was her son. The excitement on my face was 100% real.
 These two women were the first we saw on Friday morning, and Lizzy took this for me. I'm grateful that she took it, but I'm more grateful that they posed for the picture even if they didn't know they did.
This couple were the last we saw on Saturday night, we followed them for a while. It was strange seeing a husband and wife because they don't often go out together because of the legality of the marriage. PS. They were buying pre-paid cellphones something else I found interesting. Haha.

Besides spend all day at Walmart looking for plygs, we did do some other stuff, which I guess I can share pictures of.

 Omar helped protect us from any Taliban on the hike to the pools.
 A reenactment of Michelangelo's The Creation of Adam

 Lizzy is much happier than I am, clearly.
 The pool we hung out at, we didn't swim. It was cold. Don't judge. (Lizzy's picture)
Also Lizzy's picture, because I didn't take any good ones. (I miss my old working phone)
We followed this car home. He finally exited in Orem and we missed him dearly. We even stopped to refuel when they stopped so we didn't lose them. That's not creepy right?

So that was our trip. School's out. Summer's nearly here. I'm gonna sleep. A lot. Peace out.

Thursday 7 March 2013

What life at a church school has taught me...

For those of you who don't know, i go to LDS Business College which is a college here in Utah that is owned and run by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The website for the college provides the colleges mission statement:
“LDS Business College provides a distinctive educational experience rooted in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  We work together to cultivate a nurturing environment, teach practical skills, and develop confident and skillful learners.  We enlighten minds, elevate hope, and ennoble souls to strengthen individuals, families, communities, and the Lord's Church.”

The school is nowhere near as intimidating as BYU or BYUI but still, it's a church school. There's a lot of pressure to fit in, to not voice an obscure opinion too loudly, because ya'know we don't want to offend anyone. One thing that happens at the BC which is not common anywhere but church run schools, is every class begins with prayer. I was talking tonight about that, and how it's nice to have something to start the class with. I think it puts all of us in a calm place ready to begin our class. I like starting the class with a focus, and it's especially nice when that focus is on God.


If I've learned anything important from the BC (besides what i learn in classes, haha) it's that everyone is different. There's a stigma that comes with these schools. That everyone is from Utah, Molly Mormon, Peter Priesthood types that are judgemental and not a whole lot of fun. I've been lucky to make friends who know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is real, it's true and we are blessed to know that but they also know that everyone in life is in a different situation. Life isn't easy for everyone, but it's also not hard for everyone too. We can all just get along without prejudice and with open minds to accept everyone around us. 
I'm grateful that God has allowed me to come to school here, that He has surrounded me with people who accept each other, but also people who love Him. 

Sometimes, I'm just overwhelmed by how lucky I am to be here!

ANYWAYS, Peace & Blessings Y'all.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Youtube videos that make me laugh, day three...

I didn't originally have plans to post these videos every day, but the more i think about these wonderfully untalented people, the more i want to share them with the world... Enjoy! :)

Glozell has so much to offer that she should be included everyday.

This woman has no idea what she's on about, and i love how Anderson Cooper handles it!

Y'all wish you had one of these!

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Day two of idiots on Youtube...

This is some classy stuff right here!

Can i have it?

Ain't nobody got time for that!

Tuesday 26 February 2013

I procrastinate by watching Youtube videos...

I don't think i'm the only student who doesn't like to spend all of their spare time studying. I probably study less than the average student, but I mostly get done what needs to be done. One way i procrastinate is by watching youtube videos, nothing brings me greater joy than the stupid lives of others.
So today, or tonight, or whenever you may be looking at this i thought i would share some of my favourites with you.

This lady is hilarious, if any of you have not checked her out i urge you to do so! <3 GloZell

The language is this video is not for the easily offended, so mute it if that's you!

I like to act this one out when people annoy me.

Anyways, i think i'll share some now and again to hopefully make you at least smile while you should be doing something more important, like homework or napping.

Monday 25 February 2013

High school is not like the musical..

People don't sing in the corridors, I didn't meet anyone who resembled Sharpay Evans, and i definitely did not meet Zac Efron.

This Friday i decided to surprise one of my cousins with an impromptu visit to her school. Her name is Hannah, and she is currently a Beet Digger down at Jordan High School. I got to visit with her in an anatomy class, where i got to meet a wonderful teacher called Mr. Peterson. I got to go with her to her Weight-Lifting class and I even got to go to a ballroom class. (Seriously, these are classes and this is exactly why we all think Americans are stupid.)
Coming from a country with a much stricter and regimented school system, I find High School rather interesting. My only experience of it is what i've seen in the media, and really is school actually a combination of 90210, High School Musical and Ferris Bueller's day off? The answer is no. It's much less cool than that, it actually is just a school. Students have to study, they have friends, they complain but mostly they just try and get through the day so they can do whatever it is they would rather be doing.

 Hannah working hard in anatomy
 Sarah got attacked by chalk, how scandalous
 How could we leave Meri untouched?
Things got crazy in the weight-lifting room, haha